Claryn Nicholas

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Switch Off and Avoid Overwhelm.

Many of us find it difficult to switch off at the best of times, let alone now in these strange times.

In addition, it’s also difficult to escape the media. Whilst we need to know, we also need to balance how much we need to know - enough to keep in the loop with what’s happening in and with our work, ourselves and loved ones safe and well. I’m blessed that my employer has done and keeps doing their best to look after us. The other thing that I’ve found to be very mindful of is not absorbing other people’s problems as they can bring us down if we’re not careful, and deplete our time and energy.

Switching off and resting help to reset our nervous system and allow the body time to process information. Our body needs to be in a state equilibrium to function at an optimum level.

The more we resist to switch off, the more we need to. It’s important to remember to be in our body and not just in our head, which is where many of us live a lot of the time. 

Some simple tips for helping you to switch off, unwind after work and prevent overwhelm:


  • Finish the work day properly – break down large task into smaller chunks. Do not work, including checking work emails, in your days off. Only offer help when you have capacity; it doesn’t mean you don’t care, it’s because you do. When you have capacity you’ll be in the best energy to function as your best which is more fulfilling for you because your clients receive the best of you.

  • Take regular breaks, preferably from your desk, get outside (if available), stretch and move. Our body is designed to move - the common neck, shoulders, back and hip pains are caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Movements release stagnant energy and aid in our ability to relax.

  • Limit screen-time and other on-screen distractions – excessive screen time affects our quality of sleep. The more we struggle to switch off the more difficult it is to fall asleep.

  • Have bridging rituals - this helps shift your energy from the ‘work-mode’ to the ‘home-mode’, for example, washing your hands, changing your clothes as soon as you get home, making it easier to switch off mentally. This article gives more examples

 2.             PRACTICE SELF-CARE

  • Start by addressing your sleep. How much sleep do you need and how much do you get? Set a regular bedtime routine and stick to it. Yoga Nidra* helps to aid sleep and relaxation (link below).

  • Set time for you everyday, it may be as little as 10mins without distraction. This helps to reconnect with yourself, and be more present with your loved ones.

  • What else do you need to be able to switch off? Honour yourself. Honour what you need.

 3.             PRACTICE RELAXING 

  • Plan time to relax - what helps you to relax? Pottering in the garden, reading, drinking a cup of tea from your best china teacup and saucer, having a nice long bath, listening to your favourite music, dancing even - are some of the ideas.

  • Meditation practice – although it may not be for everyone, meditation has been said to be the art of mental self-control. Therefore, it’s a brilliant way to take back control over your mind and thoughts. Meditation is a practice, you won’t get ‘there’ at the first attempts, but continue until it becomes a habit.

  • ‘Tensing and Releasing’ as a way to listen to our body – sit in a chair, tense the brow muscle for 10 seconds as you breathe in and release the tension as you breathe out through the nose. Next, squeeze your eyes closed and count to 10, release and breathe out through the nose. Then continue to go down our body - the cheeks, jaw, neck, shoulders, arms, fingers until all the way down to the toes and go back up the same time you go down - squeeze each set and release. Hopefully at the end of this exercise you can feel more relaxed. It’s a great way to feel reconnected with our body and it serves a great importance that through distancing and isolating, there’s no need to isolate from ourselves.

Finally, find your ‘thing’ to help you be still and relax and DO IT. Relaxation is really vital for our well-being. It reduces tensions in our body, keeps our cells happy and helps us stay calm, even in stressful situations. 

I hope you’ve found this useful, please just take what you need.

Let me know your thoughts, I’d love to learn from you.

Stay safe.

Love Claryn x

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Ps. These are some free and popular mindfulness and meditation apps you can download and listen to:


Yoga Nidra*