Claryn Nicholas

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What We Can Do When It’s All Feeling Too Much

Now is even more important time than ever to look after ourselves better. We may feel different emotions everyday, or even go through different emotions in one day. One moment we may be feeling fine and the next we may feel scared and anxious again. This is normal, whatever you’re feeling it’s valid. As we settle into this new way of normal living and working, and everyone has their own threshold, I believe it’s vital that we have an anchor – the thing that we create to support ourselves, when we’re feeling wobbly, our support system if you like. When we look after ourselves first, we look after others much better, like putting an oxygen mask on first in an emergency on a plane.

 It is also important to remember that we acknowledge our feelings instead of brushing them off. Allow yourself to sit with the feeling for a while, as uncomfortable as that may be, give it a name, acknowledge it’s there, be curious and give yourself comfort as you would to a child. These can help you understand yourself and your feelings better, then move them through by moving your body (see the tips below).

 Here are some tips that I can share with you when you’re feeling anxious and can be used regularly as part of your self-care practice:

·      Slow down and pause - become aware of your thoughts, observe them and let them go. Remember that thoughts aren’t real.

·      Bring your focus on your breath – breathing in and out through your nostrils or if this is not possible, holding something small on your palm and focusing your thought on that might also work. This helps the mind to slow down which tells the body that there’s no danger, that you’re safe. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system – rest and digest.

·      Get grounded –feel your feet on the floor beneath you or if you’re sitting down, also feel your bottom on the chair. This helps to bring you back to the present moment.

·      Write your thoughts down or journal them, and/or find 3 things that you’re grateful for. Expressing gratitude allows us to focus on the present moment and appreciating what we have. It creates uplifting emotions and helps alleviate anxiety and fear.

·      Talk to someone you trust. Talking helps to get our emotions out of our system which helps us process them.

·      Get some fresh air outside for a walk as your situation and/or condition allows – a great way to get the serotonin level released and get your body moving.

·      Ask yourself: ‘what do I need today?’ and ask for help if you need to.

 Please remember to be kind to yourself, be kind with your thoughts, be kind with your words that you use for yourself.

 I leave you with this brilliant podcast that’s worth listening to, if you haven’t already.

Let me know if there’s anything that I can help you with or sign up for my mailing list.

Love Claryn x